Executive Summary

Major findings and recommendations of the Self-Study.

Standards Wholly or Partially Covered in the Self-study:

The standards wholly addressed in this self-study include:

Standard 7: Institutional Assessment and

Standard 14: Assessment of Student Learning.

The standards partially covered in this self-study include the following:

Standard 2:

Planning, Resource Allocation, and Institutional Renewal Fundamental Element 2.6: Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of planning, resource allocation, and institutional renewal processes

Standard 8:

Student Admissions and Retention Fundamental Element 8.8: Ongoing assessment of student success, including but not necessarily limited to retention, that evaluates the match between the attributes of admitted students and the institution’s mission and programs and reflects its findings in its admissions, remediation, and other related policies

Standard 9:

Student Support Services Fundamental Element 9.10: Ongoing assessment of student support services and the utilization of assessment results for improvement

Standard 11:

Educational Offerings Fundamental Element 11.13: Assessment of student learning and program outcomes relative to the goals and objectives of the undergraduate programs and the use of the results to improve student learning and program effectiveness

Standard 12:

General Education Fundamental Element 12.6: Assessment of general education outcomes within the institution’s overall plan for assessing student learning and evidence that such assessment results are utilized for curricular improvement